About Resistance (interfaced)
museum education programme, collaborative filmmaking, 2019-20

About Resistance was a project led by Alessandra Ferrini with a group of young people at Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Bozen: Lucia Rose Buffa, Giada Cardillo, Gessica de Oliva, Nicole Fersko, Tomas Grosello, Samira Mosca, Camilla Saiz and Abram Tomasi. It was part of the long-term programme Art Works! European Culture of Resistance and Liberation - an interdisciplinary project in the fields of political and cultural youth education, the visual arts and remembrance cultures, involving four partner institutions: Museion Bozen, Melk Memorial, Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, wannseeFORUM Berlin, HASENHERZ Vienna.
The project unfolded mostly virtually, between October 2019 and June 2020, followed by a travelling exhibition. The Museion group's journey is traced in a blog and culminated in a video installation About Resistance (interfaced). Taking its inspiration from the universal values of Resistance and its historic definition, the work is based on the timeless topicality of this concept in all its various nuances, including that of the current pandemic which has affected the implementation of the project itself. Consisting of a banner and video, the installation depicts the desktop of a computer as a window onto the world (the role historically attributed to paintings). This reveals both the compromises and contradictions of the period the participants were living through with “domestic” lockdown on one hand and global participation on the other.
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reflecting back onto the collective research, the project and its importance during lockdown.
Art Works! is named on the Council of Europe’s Good Practices Database for youth work in response to the Covid-19 crisis.. Exhibitions take place at Museion, MSU Zagreb, HKW Berlin and in Melk, Austria, between 2020 and 2021.